If you’re asking top dollar for your rental property or you’re in a competitive market with plenty of other rentals, it’s not enough to do the basics. Marketing your rental property requires more than the bare minimum. Yes, you need to clean after a previous tenant leaves, paint the walls, and put in new carpeting. But to make your rental stand out from the crowd, you’re going to need to do more than that.
Upgrade the Appliances
You don’t need to upgrade the appliances after every tenant leaves but if they look like they’re from another century, it’s past time. Just like buyers, renters want to come home to something nice.
And if you’re asking a competitive rent in the area, you’re going to have to give renters something for their money. Think of it this way: Newer appliances typically have warranties but also need less maintenance.
Stage the Home
Staging a property is a trick that listing agents know all too well. Making it easy for someone to see themselves living in a home means they’re more likely to put in an offer. The same can be done with vacant rentals.
You can do this virtually with companies like PadStyler or Spotless or use a software like VirtualStager. Or you can go the old-fashioned route and hire a stager to bring furniture in for you. The whole point is to make your property look like a home tenants can see themselves living in.
Remember Curb Appeal
Another trick you can take from home sellers is to think of curb appeal. This means mowing the lawn, raking the leaves, trimming bushes, planting flowers, and making your rental look appealing before would-be tenants even get out of their car.
Many tenants want to start families or already have a family. The last thing you want is for your property to look rundown, unkempt, or off-putting. When people can imagine their kids playing in the yard, it’s easier to imagine themselves living in the rental.
Take Great Photos
The key to getting attention online for your rental is the pictures. You need everything else - appliances, cleanliness, staging, and curb appeal - to have a picture worth taking, of course. But the lighting, time of day, and angles all matter, too.
Hiring a professional photographer who has experience in real estate photography is ideal. They know how to using their own equipment and natural lighting to get the shot that will get attention online. As long as the images remain accurate, you can reuse them each time your rental needs to be marketed.
Offer Something Extra
Want to really stand out amongst other rental properties? Offer a little something extra. It can be anything: lawn maintenance, cable TV, smart home amenities, a security system.
You can usually charge a little more for rent to help cover the costs. At the same time, your tenants are getting something not every landlord would provide. You’ve added convenience and value to their life, and the best tenants are willing to pay for both.
If you want to get the most amount of rent for your property, you can’t do what everyone else does. You’re going to need to stand out in a crowd. It requires a little extra effort and money but if it helps you get the rent you want and a great tenant, it’s worth it.
Feeling overwhelmed by all there is to do to take care of and market your rental? Get help from property management professionals. At ERA American Real Estate, we can take care of marketing your rental, accepting tenant applications, and keeping everything running smoothly for you. Contact us today!